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S. Rajeev and M. Lahiri, "Single-qubit measurement of two-qubit entanglement in generalized Werner states," arXiv:2306.04103

M. Lahiri and M. Erhard, "Super-Sensitive Quantum Metrology with Separable States," arXiv:2005.09247



[44] J. Szuniewicz, S. Kurdzialek, S. Kundu, W. Zwolinski, R. Chrapkiewicz, M. Lahiri, and R Lapkiewicz, "Noise resistant phase imaging with intensity correlation," Sci. Adv. 9, eadh5396 (2023)

[43] G. B. Lemos, R. Lapkiewicz, A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, and A Zeilinger; "One-photon measurement of two-photon entanglement," Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090202 (2023)


[42] A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, M. Erhard, M. Krenn, and A. Zeilinger, "Quantum indistinguishability by path identity and with undetected photons," Rev. Mod. Phys 94, 025007 (2022)

[41] J. Fuenzalida, A. Hochrainer, G. B. Lemos, E. Ortega, R. Lapkiewicz, M. Lahiri, and A. Zeilinger, "Resolution of quantum Imaging with undetected photons," Quantum 6, 646 (2022)

[40] B. Viswanathan, G. B. Lemos, and M. Lahiri, "Quantum imaging and metrology with undetected photons: tutorial," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, 2200 (2022)


[39] B. Viswanathan, G. B. Lemos, and M. Lahiri, "Resolution limit in quantum imaging with undetected photons using position correlation," Optics Express 29, 38185 (2021)

[38] B. Viswanathan, G. B. Lemos, and M. Lahiri, "Position correlation enabled quantum imaging with undetected photons," Optics Letters 46, 3496 (2021)

[37] M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, A. Hochrainer, G. B. Lemos, and A Zeilinger; "Characterizing mixed state entanglement through single-photon interference," Phys. Rev. A. 104, 013704 (2021)


[36] M. Lahiri; "Partially polarized light and complementarity in quantum mechanics," Progress in Optics 65, 313 (2020)


[35] M. Lahiri, A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Nonclassicality of induced coherence without induced emission,” Phys. Rev. A. 100, 053839 (2019)


[34] M. Lahiri; “Many-particle interferometry and entanglement by path identity,” Phys. Rev. A. 98, 033822 (2018)


[33] M. Lahiri, A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Twin photon correlations in single-photon interference,” Phys. Rev. A. 96, 013822 (2017)

[32] M. Lahiri, A. Hochrainer, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Partial polarization by quantum distinguishability,” Phys. Rev. A. 95, 033816 (2017)

[31] A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Interference fringes controlled by noninterfering photons,” Optica 4, 341–344 (2017)

[30] M. Krenn, A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, A. Zeilinger; “Entanglement by path identity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 080401 (2017)

[29] A. Hochrainer, M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Quantifying the momentum correlation between two light beams by detecting one,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 114, 1508–1511 (2017)


[28] M. Lahiri, C. Reimer, A. Zeilinger; “Quantum interference and imaging,” Frontiers in Modern Optics, edited by D. Faccio, J. Dudley and M. Clerici (Proceedings of the international school of physics “Enrico Fermi”) 190, pp. 159-170 (IOS Press, Amsterdam and SIF Bologna, 2016)


[27] M. Lahiri; “Coherence and statistical optics,” Photonics Vol. 1: Fundamentals of Photonics and Physics, edited by D. L. Andrews (Proceedings of the international school of physics “Enrico Fermi”) ch. 2, pp. 27-60 (John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015)

[26] M. Lahiri, R. Lapkiewicz, G. B. Lemos, A. Zeilinger; “Theory of quantum imaging with undetected photons,” Phys. Rev. A. 92, 013832 (2015)


[25] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Effect of scattering on cross-spectral purity of light," Opt. Commun. 330, 165-168 (2014)


[24] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Propagation of electromagnetic beams of any state of spatial coherence and polarization through multilayered stratified media," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 2547-2555 (2013)

[23] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Negative refraction of a partially coherent electromagnetic beam," Opt. Lett. 38, 1407-1409 (2013)

[22] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Change in spatial coherence of light on refraction and on reflection," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 1107-1112 (2013)

[21] M. Lahiri; "Concept of purity in the theory of optical polarization," Opt. Lett. 38, 866–868 (2013)

[20] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Theory of refraction and reflection with partially coherent electromagnetic beams," Phys. Rev. A 86, 043815-1 - 043815-10 (2012)

[19] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Spectral changes of electromagnetic beams scattered on a deterministic medium," Opt. Lett. 37, 2517 - 2519 (2012)


[18] Book Chapter : M. Lahiri; "Quantum Theory of Coherence and Polarization of Light," in Advances in Quantum Theory edited by Ion I. Cotaescu (InTech, Croatia, 2012), ch. 4, p. 77.

[17] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Statistical similarity and cross-spectral purity of stationary stochastic fields," Opt. Lett. 37, 963 - 965 (2012)


[16] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Implications of complete coherence in the space–frequency domain," Opt. Lett. 36, 2423 - 2425 (2011)

[15] M. Lahiri; "Wave-particle duality and partial polarization of light in single-photon interference experiments," Phys. Rev. A 83, 045803-1 - 045803-3 (2011)


[14] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Quantum theory of optical coherence of non-stationary light in the space-frequency domain ," Phys. Rev. A 82, 043837-1 - 043837-6 (2010)

[13] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Quantum analysis of polarization properties of optical beams," Phys. Rev. A 82, 043805-1 - 043805-5 (2010)

[12] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Relationship between complete coherence in the space-time and in the space-frequency domains," Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 063901-1 - 063901-4 (2010)

[11] A. Al-Qasimi, M. Lahiri, D. Kuebel, D. F. V. James, E. Wolf; "The influence of the degree of cross-polarization on the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect," Opt. Exp., 18, 17124-17129 (2010)

[10] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Does a light beam of very narrow bandwidth always behave as a monochromatic beam?" Phys. Lett. A., 374, 997-1000 (2010)


[9] M. Lahiri; "Polarization properties of stochastic light beams in the space-time and space-frequency domains," Opt. Lett., 34, 2936-2938 (2009)

[8] T. D. Visser, D. Kuebel, M. Lahiri, T. Shirai, E. Wolf; "Unpolarized light beams with different coherence properties," J. Mod. Opt., 56, 1369-1374 (2009)

[7] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Spatial coherence properties of monochromatic beams and of laser modes," Phys. Lett. A., 373, 3694-3696 (2009)

[6] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Beam conditions for scattering on random media," J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A 26, 2043–2048 (2009)

[5] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf, D. G. Fischer, T. Shirai; "Determination of correlation functions of scattering potentials of stochastic media from scattering experiments," Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, No. 12 (2009)

[4] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Cross-spectarl density matrix of polarized light beams," Opt. Lett., 34, 557-559 (2009)

[3] D. Kuebel, M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "An inverse problem in the theory of stochastic electromagnetic beams," Opt. Commun., 282, 141-142 (2009)


[2] M. Lahiri, O. Korotkova, E. Wolf; "Polarization and coherence properties of a beam formed by superposition of a pair of stochastic electromagnetic beams," Opt. Commun., 281, 5073-5077 (2008)

[1] M. Lahiri, E. Wolf; "Cross-spectral density matrix of the far field generated by a blackbody source," Opt. Commun., 281, 3241-3244 (2008)